Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Little Super Model

Today, we went to the park and we had a great time. I took a couple of picture of her when my little cousin was dancing and posing for me. She's my little model.The whole family was there and each brought a plate of food. Soon after it started to rain but we did everything we had to do. Me, Kenia & Lizette got stuck inside a building in Riverbank Park because of the rain we all had our hair done and didn't want to mess it up since i'm leaving to Miami on Tuesday. 

Hoy, fuimos al parque and tubimos un gran tiempo. Le tome fotos and my primita cuando estaba bailando y  posando para mi. Ella es mi modelito. Cada quien trajo un plato de comida. Despues comenzo a llover pero hicimos todo lo que teniamos que hacer. Kenia, Lizette y yo nos quedamos atrapada en un edificio en Riverbank Park por la lluvia, teniamos el cabello hecho y no queria que se nos mojaran porque me voy para Miami el Martes

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